The Adapt+Flow Blog

Damon Bowen-Ashwin

Standing out from the crowd

Apr 28, 2020

By Damon Bowen-Ashwin

Applying for a job at the best of times can be challenging! Chuck the global pandemic of C19 into the mixer and the challenge just got even trickier…..

Being in the recruiting profession, I get a lot of applications sent to me, and over the years I have submitted a lot on behalf of the people I’m representing. Job hunting can be a numbers game too, and so there is the urge for a job seeker to cover as many bases as possible and write a one size fits all application and send it out….sometimes that can work, but usually this is due to right time right place and luck……

I have received a few applications recently via LinkedIn that have made me think. Sadly they have made me think for the wrong reasons, but they have also prompted me to write this article and so some good has come of this. 

I want to offer some simple advice that I hope will be of use to some people, and to others it may just be confirmation of what you are already doing.

At the moment the whole world is taking a pause whilst we work our way through this pandemic, and so never has there been a better time to take the time and make a very considered and targeted approach to a job search. 

Most markets, irrespective of sector are competitive .i.e you will not be the only candidate applying for that job. Therefore, it is crucial that you try and stand out, or at least make sure you are remembered in a positive light.

So, what are the key criteria with an application to ensure you standout and are remembered for the right reasons??

There is one criteria that underpins all others:


Make your application relevant. You have the time to do a little research and it will go a long way….

If for example you are looking to send me an application, then you have the resources at your finger tips to run through a checklist. 

Have a look at the website or LinkedIn profile (both ideally) of the person you are submitting to. Are they the right person? What sectors do the company work in? You may not always tick every box on the criteria a company look for in a prospective candidate, but don’t panic and have a think…… 

If you don’t have that specific sector experience but have the discipline skill set, then have a think about how your skills are transferable. This then allows you to write something like the following:

Dear John

I am interested in applying for the position of Associate – Retail Project Architect you have advertised. As you will see from my CV and portfolio, I have 12 years industry experience across a number of sectors. I haven’t worked specifically within retail, but I feel I have transferable skills and complimentary sector experience and here are the key attributes I believe will be relevant to your business:

  • ARB Registered architect with UK and international experience ( I note that your firm works on UK and international projects also)
  • I have worked with bluechip clients as well as mid tier organisations and so understand the pressures and requirements of working with a varied clientele and can adapt accordingly to serve your client (I also note that your client list includes bluechip and mid-tier)
  • 7 years hospitality project experience – I feel this is applicable to your retail business as the service and leisure components of hospitality are applicable to the evolving retail trends in the market……

Addressing the elephant in the room (i.e. which skill set or attribute you don’t have) and providing a narrative highlighting your relevance and other transferable skills will go a lot further. At the least it will tell the person reading that you understand their business, and that will encourage them to read on and give your application more time and consideration.

It might take you a little longer to make applications, but a targeted, personalised and relevant approach will hold more value.

There are a lot of challenges out there for us all and I hope this is a little piece of advice that can be easily applied and help in the future.

Stay safe one and all


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