The Adapt+Flow Blog

Damon Bowen-Ashwin

Be Yourself

Jun 4, 2021

By Damon Bowen-Ashwin

I turn 40 in a few days time.  What a great milestone to reach! The older I get, the more I seem to reflect, and my birthday this year has prompted me to step back and appreciate where I’ve been, and how far I’ve come.

Being myself is something I struggled with in the past. Sometimes there was this imaginary weight on my shoulders I felt. It wasn’t real, but it was real – can you relate? 

Perhaps I was feeling the pressure that so many of us feel. The pressure of society and our peers, and possibly even a pressure we felt from friends and family. And as much as this pressure was and may still be there, I don’t think it came from where I thought it was coming from. I’m not even sure I knew where it was coming from at the time. Looking back I think it was a pressure I put on myself based on how I was interpreting the world and it’s expectations of me, and my place in the world. Perhaps I can also link it to not really knowing what my purpose in life was, which affected the value I put on myself.

Once I got into my 30’s, I felt a lot more comfortable being myself, and now I thrive on being me. I still have a moment here and there where I am challenged to stay true to myself, but I think that just makes me human. Perhaps it’s a test or a reminder for me to take a step back, give myself a break, and appreciate and love who I am. 

Sometimes it can feel uncomfortable being ourselves, particularly if it means going against the grain and saying or doing something that may make others feel uncomfortable. If we can be our authentic selves whilst keeping integrity and showing love and respect for ourselves and those around us, then I fell that this is what moves us forwards and helps us grow and get more out of life. Perhaps it might mean that some people around you start to drift away as you show the real you, but you will attract others with a similar energy, set of values and principles. Robin Sharma says that change is difficult at first, messy in the middle, and glorious at the end…..and I really buy in to this. I hope it inspires you to have the confidence to be yourself and embrace any change that follows.

I love the quote below by Bruce Lee. It’s a nice reminder to us all to slow down and remember the simple things in life that make a difference to our wellbeing… yourself….

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it” 

Bruce Lee

Have the confidence to be your true self…please!

If you’re finding this a challenge, get in touch as I’d love to help you confidently be yourself and experience what that can do for your life….

Want to know more? Visit my website to find out how Adapt+Flow can help you.


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