The Adapt+Flow Blog

Damon Bowen-Ashwin

Adapt+Flow – The Mindset & Confidence Coach

May 7, 2021

By Damon Bowen-Ashwin

The story and journey:

Like a lot of things in life, getting to where I am now and the launch of my website for Adapt+Flow has been a journey. The phrase “Adapt+Flow” is very apt! Part of this journey has been how I market myself and what I want to be known for. Something that represents me and feels genuine and authentic. Also, something that people will buy into, because they understand why, and it makes sense and is believable. 

The name ‘Adapt+Flow” came to me last summer whilst I was starting a YouTube channel. I wanted a name for the channel, but also a name that could be a brand I might develop into something more than just a channel spreading a positive message. What the development was, I wasn’t quite sure. I had just started my coaching programme with iPEC, and so I think in my heart I knew the direction this was heading. I was being open minded and had a vision somewhere in my head, but I was also playing safe, not quite having the confidence to tell the world yet that I was definitely going to be a coach and launch a coaching practice. The coaching programme was part personal development and part inspired by a health scare that made me think a little bit more about what I really wanted out of life. Adapt and Flow just made sense to me and it was a mantra I could really buy into. Life is constantly changing and so being able to adapt was something I felt key to moving forwards. Once we adapt, then we can flow, and this could be in any direction we chose. I also liked the fact that flow could represent the state when we are in our “zone”… our “flow”. So Adapt+Flow was born and has now adapted and flowed into a coaching business, being a brand that stands for making people feel good about themselves and then realise just how amazing we all are, and with this realisation to have the confidence to go after what you want in life. I truly believe that we can do anything in life, if we put our minds to it….

I’ve played around with a few tag lines as to what sort of a coach I am. I want to help people improve their lives, and so Life Coaching is certainly applicable. Having been in recruitment for 15+ years, my research told me that people would look to me for guidance as to their next step in their professional life, playing the role of a Career Coach. My research also told me that with my recruitment background, organisations who previously engaged me for talent acquisition, could now look to me for support in talent development. The Leadership piece could be for future leaders or current leaders.  I believe that we are all leaders in our own life, whether that be at work or play, and so Leadership Coaching can show up in several forms. And so you have it, Life, Career & Leadership Coaching. Whilst that’s what I do, if you take it back a step, these areas all have something that links them and is applicable to all. That is Mindset & Confidence. I work with people to help them raise their awareness of how they are showing up to the world currently, and awareness of the other ways they can show up to the world in order to create better health, happiness and success in life. With a change in mindset, we can have the confidence to make those changes (Adapting) and go after whatever we desire in life……and so finding our Flow. 

And there you have it, I see myself as a Mindset & Confidence Coach.

Where are you at in your life? What changes could you make to create more happiness, better health and more success?

Speak soon and Adapt & Flow


Want to know more? Visit my website to find out how Adapt+Flow can help you.


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