The Adapt+Flow Blog

Damon Bowen-Ashwin

The impact and challenges of Covid on our lives

May 1, 2021

By Damon Bowen-Ashwin

Since the beginning of 2020, we have experienced unprecedented levels of change to our lives, the sort of change we’d expect to experience over a decade, possibly even two decades. As a result, there has naturally been a shift in how we look at the world we live in, our lives and ourselves as individuals.When we experience such significant change, it is often followed by a reassessment of our lives. Navigating through a pandemic, it’s only natural that we start to question the status quo of old and look for change. It’s almost as if the pandemic has given us that excuse we needed to start making changes to our lives and the planet and how we inhabit it. 

Over the past year, I’ve been taking note of how our lives have been impacted. Below are the messages I’ve been hearing:

  • I don’t have enough time in the day
  • There is not enough time in my life for the fun things that make me smile
  • I’m struggling to find a work/life balance
  • It’s been a challenging year and I need to build more confidence to take on the next few years
  • I need to release pressure and reduce stress as a result of the changes personally and professionally I’ve experienced 
  • Covid has been a wakeup call. Life is short, how do I make my passion/hobby my job? I don’t have the confidence or know where to start. I want to finish work with a smile because I love what I do
  • If we can work from home for 2/3 days each week, then I don’t need to be based where I am currently. What do I do now? Where do I go? Do I move countries?
  • I’m happy in life, but something isn’t quite right. I know something needs to change but I don’t know what’s missing
  • It’s a challenging market, I want to accelerate my career for my own personal achievement and also to earn more money 
  • There is more to life….where do I start?
  • I know what I want in life, I just don’t know how to get it
  • I don’t have the confidence to go after my dreams and make them reality  
  • I’m feeling a lot of pressure at home/work, how can I feel less pressure??
  • There’s been so much change, it’s overwhelming and I’m finding it difficult to adapt and find my flow in this new world

If the above resonate with you and you’re ready to start making a few changes to your life, I’d love to support you in finding solutions to a better way of life….

Speak soon and Adapt & Flow


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